A labial bow is the most notable component of a retainer so patients are very sensitive to the look and feel of it. Even though many laboratories used pre-formed labial bows, OrthoDenco still makes its own in-house; the labial bow is part of our signature of quality in a retainer.
Because OrthoDenco bends its own labial bows, modifications to the standard design are always possible, you can take advantage of having a custom made labial bow for those one-of cases and achieve the results you desire. Creating a labial bow, however, isn’t a job that practices should entrust to just any orthodontics laboratory; there are many finely calibrated elements in a bow, like the omega loop and how it should contact the canine to avoid relapse and rotations, which are vital to the performance of the retainer. Although Hawley retainers are ubiquitous, it is the attention to detail and their purpose that makes them special. Without a well crafted labial bow, the retainer will loose many of its properties and will not perform well causing expensive treatment relapse, inconvenience, and frustration.

Fortunately, OrthoDenco Has been honing its craft for over 35 years so you can be certain your labial bows will fit well and look great every time!
Contact us today to learn more about our labial bows. We’re happy to discuss your patient’s unique condition or concerns. We’ll find a time that’s convenient for you to connect.
Browse through the rest of our website as well to learn about the comprehensive set of appliances we offer and the various customization options available to you.